Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 10

Day 10

This morning we did not have to meet until 9:30 a.m. which is later than our normal time of 8:15 a.m. because of this we decided to go somewhere else for breakfast instead of just the hotel. There is this street vendor people had been talking about that I guess was on No Reservations, which is a show on The Travel Channel. Getting there was slightly difficult since it was kinda down a dirt alley and this was my first time eating at a street vendor since honestly they seemed a little unsanitary to me. However, this was easily the best food I have had all my stay in Vietnam!! I was sad to have to leave and stop eating.

Our first company visit was the Saigon Newport Corporation. This is one of the largest shipping ports run by the Vietnamese Navy. This was neat because I had never seen a shipping port up close, only from a distance.

After this we went to our second company visit which was at a Kein A apartment complex. This complex was developed very nicely with all of the customers needs in mind. However, when viewing the apartments the first view out the window was the small handmade homes of people who seemed to be living in poverty. It was weird seeing such 2 different lifestyles in such close proximity. This is definitely different than America where it seems the wealthy and poor are more divided. This just highlighted the different lifestyles and people in Vietnam to me even more.

After this we went back to the hotel where I cleaned my room, showered, and then left to adventure more. First we stopped in a German bakery which was delicious. Their free samples were like full meals. They all laughed when I was so surprised it was free.

We then went to a lounge that was really neat and had a little bit of food and drinks. Then we went to an Italian restaurant, which online was said to be authentic Italian and one of the top 20 restaurants.... but I did not really like it too much. However, that might be because this has been my third night in a row eating pasta carbonara but I don't care I still love it. 

Vietnam has been so fun and I am not looking forward to leaving because I feel like I still have so much to do although I am excited to get back to America.

Lastly, a few things I have learned through my stay in Vietnam: Vietnam does not have 1. pandora 2. netflix 3. hulu 4. tampons

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